Project n.0 SUIBIAN, 2010-2011

Artist: Alessandro Rolandi
Ballpen and ink drawings / videos of spontaneous actions / photographs

Beijing Project n.00

Alessandro Rolandi 李山


Bernard Controls Factory, April-October 2001

Non-productive actions on the assembly line video of Suibian-part 3 

HANDS video by A.Rolandi to explore the rhythm of the assembly line

This is the pilot-project by Alessandro Rolandi during the first informal 6-months investigation period which then led to the creation of the Social Sensibility R&D Department at Bernard Controls Factory in Beijing in 2011.
Here the original intro and methodology followed by A.Rolandi
The Chinese expression SUIBIAN can be translated "as you like it", "as you please" Its importance lies in the fact that even if China does not seems a place where you are often allowed to do "as you please", there is in fact room for this kind of situation. This space is secretly stolen with ruse, dissimulated, or claimed rebelliously, but it is hardly ever given or allowed directly. Working for six months in strict contact with the workers of Bernard Controls China, I tried to provide them with a number of physical and mental situations, within the factory routine, in which they could apply the "suibian" attitude. The series of instructions I gave them , each on a period of a month were the following ones: 1st month: you have a small blue booklet you ca fill it with any kind of thoughts, poems, stories, lines, songs, ideas or opinions you feel like to express and communicate to a foreign artist (myself) 2nd month: after having watched together several books about artworks, you can make a drawing-project of an idea you have for your own artwork: sculpture, movie, photo, painting, installation,,.. 3rd month: suibian performance within the factory, during working hours, you have 30 minutes for each person (or two or more persons if they want to work together) to stop your task and do as it follows: using anything you want from the factory and from your working routine, create a small event, an action, an object, a display, according to your own intuition of the moment (suibian).

I filmed the SUIBIAN 30 minutes performance here some explanation of the acts picture

  • n.1 - a worker creates a sculpture with grease, and metallic parts picture
  • n.2 - a worker paints a image with airbrush that he uses for his daily job picture
  • n.3 - a worker paints himself with the airbrush picture
  • n.4 - two workers use a very delicate measuring instrument to create a poetic image with a piece of red tape sticked on the turning engine picture
  • n. 5 - a worker creates a rhythmic movement by lifting performance artist Megumi Shimizu with his mule picture
  • n.6 - a worker does a 180° degrees stunt with a mule picture
  • n.7 - a worker asks to move her working desk outside to receive directly the light of the sun on her skin picture
  • n.8 - a worker declares having built a mechanic model of a car, assembling some leftovers of factory products picture
  • n.9 - a worker creates a welcome message written with screws and other parts.

Pékin Projet n.00

Alessandro Rolandi 李山


Bernard Controls Factory, avril-octobre 2001

Actions non productives sur la chaine de montage video de Suibian-part 3

HANDS (Mains) vidéo tournée par A.Rolandi au départ pour explorer le rythme de la chaîne de montage

Il s'agit du projet pilote d'Alessandro Rolandi au cours de la première période d'enquête informelle de 6 mois qui a ensuite conduit à la création du département R&D Sensibilité sociale chez Bernard Controls Factory à Pékin en 2011.
Voici l'intro originale et la méthodologie suivie par A.Rolandi
L'expression chinoise SUIBIAN peut être traduite "à votre guise", "à votre guise". salle des faits pour ce genre de situation. Cet espace est secrètement volé avec ruse, dissimulé ou revendiqué de manière rebelle, mais il n'est presque jamais donné ou autorisé directement. Travaillant pendant six mois en contact étroit avec les ouvriers de Bernard Controls China, j'ai essayé de leur fournir un certain nombre de situations physiques et mentales, dans le cadre de la routine de l'usine, dans lesquelles ils pourraient appliquer l'attitude "suibian". Les séries d'instructions que je leur ai données, chacune sur une période d'un mois étaient les suivantes : 1er mois : tu as un petit livret bleu tu peux le remplir avec toutes sortes de pensées, poèmes, histoires, vers, chansons, idées ou opinions vous avez envie d'exprimer et de communiquer avec un artiste étranger (moi-même) 2ème mois : après avoir regardé ensemble plusieurs livres sur les œuvres d'art, vous pouvez faire un dessin-projet d'une idée que vous avez pour votre propre œuvre d'art : sculpture, film, photo, peinture , installation,...chanson,.. 3ème mois : performance suibian au sein de l'usine, pendant les heures de travail, vous avez 30 minutes pour chaque personne (ou deux personnes ou plus si elles veulent travailler ensemble) pour arrêter votre tâche et faire comme il s'ensuit : en utilisant tout ce que vous voulez de l'usine et de votre routine de travail, créez un petit événement, une action, un objet, un affichage, selon votre propre intuition du moment (suibian).

J'ai filmé la performance de 30 minutes de SUIBIAN ici quelques explications sur l'image des actes

n.1 - un ouvrier crée une sculpture avec de la graisse et une image de pièces métalliques
n.2 - un travailleur peint une image avec un aérographe qu'il utilise pour son travail quotidien
n.3 - un ouvrier se peint avec le tableau à l'aérographe
n.4 - deux ouvriers utilisent un instrument de mesure très délicat pour créer une image poétique avec un morceau de ruban rouge collé sur l'image du moteur tournant
n.m. 5 - un ouvrier crée un mouvement rythmique en soulevant l'artiste de performance Megumi Shimizu avec sa photo de mule
n.6 - un ouvrier fait une cascade à 180° avec une photo de mulet
n.7 - une ouvrière demande de déplacer son bureau à l'extérieur pour recevoir directement la lumière du soleil sur sa peau photo
n.8 - un ouvrier déclare avoir construit un modèle mécanique d'une voiture, assemblant des restes de produits d'usine photo
n.9 - un travailleur crée un message de bienvenue écrit avec des vis et d'autres pièces.

SUIBIAN, Bernard Controls Factory, April-October 2010

The Chinese expression SUIBIAN can be translated "as you like it", "as you please"
Its importance lies in the fact that even if China does not seems a place where you are often allowed to do "as you please", there is in fact room for this kind of situation.
This space is secretely stolen with ruse,  dissimulated, or claimed rebelliously, but it is hardly ever given or allowed directly.
Working for six months in strict contact with the workers of Bernard Controls China, I tried to provide them with a number of physical and mental situations, within the factory routine, in which they could apply the "suibian" attitude.

The series of instructions I gave them , each on a period of a month were the following ones:

1st month:  you have a small blue booklet you ca fill it with any kind of thoughts, poems, stories, lines, songs, ideas or opinions you feel like to express and communicate to a foreign artist (myself)

2nd month: after having watched together several books about artworks, you can make a drawing-project of an idea you have for your own artwork: sculpture, movie, photo, painting, installation,,..

3rd month: suibian performance

within the factory, during working hours, you have 30 minutes for each person (or two or more persons if they want to work together) to stop your task and do as it follows:

using anything you want from the factory and from your working routine, create a small event, an action, an object, a display, according to your own intuition of the moment (suibian). 

I flimed the SUIBIAN 30 minutes performance here some explanation of the acts

picture n1  -  a worker creates a sculpture with grease, and metallic parts
picture n2  -  a worker paints a image with airbrush that he uses for his daily job
picture n3 -  a worker paints himself with the airbrush
picture n.4 -  two workers use a very delicate measuring instrument to create a poetic image with a piece of red tape sticked on the turning engine
picture n. 5 - a worker creates a rythmic movement by lifting performance artist Megumi Shimizu with his mule
picture n. 6 - a worker does a 180° degrees stunt with a mule


Project n.0 SUIBIAN, 2010-2011

Artist: Alessandro Rolandi
Ballpen and ink drawings / videos of spontaneous actions / photographs

Beijing Project n.00

Alessandro Rolandi 李山


Bernard Controls Factory, April-October 2001

Non-productive actions on the assembly line video of Suibian-part 3 

HANDS video by A.Rolandi to explore the rhythm of the assembly line

This is the pilot-project by Alessandro Rolandi during the first informal 6-months investigation period which then led to the creation of the Social Sensibility R&D Department at Bernard Controls Factory in Beijing in 2011.
Here the original intro and methodology followed by A.Rolandi
The Chinese expression SUIBIAN can be translated "as you like it", "as you please" Its importance lies in the fact that even if China does not seems a place where you are often allowed to do "as you please", there is in fact room for this kind of situation. This space is secretly stolen with ruse, dissimulated, or claimed rebelliously, but it is hardly ever given or allowed directly. Working for six months in strict contact with the workers of Bernard Controls China, I tried to provide them with a number of physical and mental situations, within the factory routine, in which they could apply the "suibian" attitude. The series of instructions I gave them , each on a period of a month were the following ones: 1st month: you have a small blue booklet you ca fill it with any kind of thoughts, poems, stories, lines, songs, ideas or opinions you feel like to express and communicate to a foreign artist (myself) 2nd month: after having watched together several books about artworks, you can make a drawing-project of an idea you have for your own artwork: sculpture, movie, photo, painting, installation,,.. 3rd month: suibian performance within the factory, during working hours, you have 30 minutes for each person (or two or more persons if they want to work together) to stop your task and do as it follows: using anything you want from the factory and from your working routine, create a small event, an action, an object, a display, according to your own intuition of the moment (suibian).

I filmed the SUIBIAN 30 minutes performance here some explanation of the acts picture

  • n.1 - a worker creates a sculpture with grease, and metallic parts picture
  • n.2 - a worker paints a image with airbrush that he uses for his daily job picture
  • n.3 - a worker paints himself with the airbrush picture
  • n.4 - two workers use a very delicate measuring instrument to create a poetic image with a piece of red tape sticked on the turning engine picture
  • n. 5 - a worker creates a rhythmic movement by lifting performance artist Megumi Shimizu with his mule picture
  • n.6 - a worker does a 180° degrees stunt with a mule picture
  • n.7 - a worker asks to move her working desk outside to receive directly the light of the sun on her skin picture
  • n.8 - a worker declares having built a mechanic model of a car, assembling some leftovers of factory products picture
  • n.9 - a worker creates a welcome message written with screws and other parts.

Pékin Projet n.00

Alessandro Rolandi 李山


Bernard Controls Factory, avril-octobre 2001

Actions non productives sur la chaine de montage video de Suibian-part 3

HANDS (Mains) vidéo tournée par A.Rolandi au départ pour explorer le rythme de la chaîne de montage

Il s'agit du projet pilote d'Alessandro Rolandi au cours de la première période d'enquête informelle de 6 mois qui a ensuite conduit à la création du département R&D Sensibilité sociale chez Bernard Controls Factory à Pékin en 2011.
Voici l'intro originale et la méthodologie suivie par A.Rolandi
L'expression chinoise SUIBIAN peut être traduite "à votre guise", "à votre guise". salle des faits pour ce genre de situation. Cet espace est secrètement volé avec ruse, dissimulé ou revendiqué de manière rebelle, mais il n'est presque jamais donné ou autorisé directement. Travaillant pendant six mois en contact étroit avec les ouvriers de Bernard Controls China, j'ai essayé de leur fournir un certain nombre de situations physiques et mentales, dans le cadre de la routine de l'usine, dans lesquelles ils pourraient appliquer l'attitude "suibian". Les séries d'instructions que je leur ai données, chacune sur une période d'un mois étaient les suivantes : 1er mois : tu as un petit livret bleu tu peux le remplir avec toutes sortes de pensées, poèmes, histoires, vers, chansons, idées ou opinions vous avez envie d'exprimer et de communiquer avec un artiste étranger (moi-même) 2ème mois : après avoir regardé ensemble plusieurs livres sur les œuvres d'art, vous pouvez faire un dessin-projet d'une idée que vous avez pour votre propre œuvre d'art : sculpture, film, photo, peinture , installation,...chanson,.. 3ème mois : performance suibian au sein de l'usine, pendant les heures de travail, vous avez 30 minutes pour chaque personne (ou deux personnes ou plus si elles veulent travailler ensemble) pour arrêter votre tâche et faire comme il s'ensuit : en utilisant tout ce que vous voulez de l'usine et de votre routine de travail, créez un petit événement, une action, un objet, un affichage, selon votre propre intuition du moment (suibian).

J'ai filmé la performance de 30 minutes de SUIBIAN ici quelques explications sur l'image des actes

n.1 - un ouvrier crée une sculpture avec de la graisse et une image de pièces métalliques
n.2 - un travailleur peint une image avec un aérographe qu'il utilise pour son travail quotidien
n.3 - un ouvrier se peint avec le tableau à l'aérographe
n.4 - deux ouvriers utilisent un instrument de mesure très délicat pour créer une image poétique avec un morceau de ruban rouge collé sur l'image du moteur tournant
n.m. 5 - un ouvrier crée un mouvement rythmique en soulevant l'artiste de performance Megumi Shimizu avec sa photo de mule
n.6 - un ouvrier fait une cascade à 180° avec une photo de mulet
n.7 - une ouvrière demande de déplacer son bureau à l'extérieur pour recevoir directement la lumière du soleil sur sa peau photo
n.8 - un ouvrier déclare avoir construit un modèle mécanique d'une voiture, assemblant des restes de produits d'usine photo
n.9 - un travailleur crée un message de bienvenue écrit avec des vis et d'autres pièces.

SUIBIAN, Bernard Controls Factory, April-October 2010

The Chinese expression SUIBIAN can be translated "as you like it", "as you please"
Its importance lies in the fact that even if China does not seems a place where you are often allowed to do "as you please", there is in fact room for this kind of situation.
This space is secretely stolen with ruse,  dissimulated, or claimed rebelliously, but it is hardly ever given or allowed directly.
Working for six months in strict contact with the workers of Bernard Controls China, I tried to provide them with a number of physical and mental situations, within the factory routine, in which they could apply the "suibian" attitude.

The series of instructions I gave them , each on a period of a month were the following ones:

1st month:  you have a small blue booklet you ca fill it with any kind of thoughts, poems, stories, lines, songs, ideas or opinions you feel like to express and communicate to a foreign artist (myself)

2nd month: after having watched together several books about artworks, you can make a drawing-project of an idea you have for your own artwork: sculpture, movie, photo, painting, installation,,..

3rd month: suibian performance

within the factory, during working hours, you have 30 minutes for each person (or two or more persons if they want to work together) to stop your task and do as it follows:

using anything you want from the factory and from your working routine, create a small event, an action, an object, a display, according to your own intuition of the moment (suibian). 

I flimed the SUIBIAN 30 minutes performance here some explanation of the acts

picture n1  -  a worker creates a sculpture with grease, and metallic parts
picture n2  -  a worker paints a image with airbrush that he uses for his daily job
picture n3 -  a worker paints himself with the airbrush
picture n.4 -  two workers use a very delicate measuring instrument to create a poetic image with a piece of red tape sticked on the turning engine
picture n. 5 - a worker creates a rythmic movement by lifting performance artist Megumi Shimizu with his mule
picture n. 6 - a worker does a 180° degrees stunt with a mule


Action: asking to be placed to work outside to 'feel the sun on my skin'

Action: pulling a stnt with a forklift 

Action: lifting an artist wth a forklift

Action: cynetic sculpture / making a flower with tape and rotor

Action : spray-painting oneself

Action : making a grease sculpture / assemblage

Action : painting a duck silhouette 

Suibian / Hands by A.Rolandi
Suibian / Original Spontaneous Actions
Suibian / Non-productive poetic actions